Cancer or not, Arizona
Here we come
Finally, Arizona
One full year later
You waited for us
And welcomed us
Warm and dry,
Just the way we like it
Nature all around
So ancient, so primodial that
Wisdom practically oozes out of you!
Tylenol as my new best friend,
Lots of rest in between,
We explore Antelope Valley,
Jaw-dropping Grand Canyon,
Redder than red red rocks of Sedona.
Desert, so arid
So much sun
And so little water
Maybe a lesson for not going to the extreme in life, or
Maybe, why not?
The desert teaches resilience
Resilience of life
Life has its own momentum.
So ride with it,
Live for it,
Thrive in it.
You may wonder, “Couldn’t we have waited to travel until the treatments are completed? What if you get sick on the road? What if you have to cancel the trip in middle of it?” Reasonable questions. Here is the thing. What’s guaranteed in our lives? How do we know that next year will surely come for us? We certainly can’t take it for granted. My fitness level is compromised, and we won’t do as many nor as strenuous hikes as we would have otherwise. What matters is that we live now. We can’t wait to live tomorrow. So we are here travelling, marvelling at the gorgeous views, expansive spaces and life, well, life is beautiful!

One Response
You are always inspiring and courageous. I hope you enjoy your trip.